Allied Academies

Global assembling of Academicians, Researchers, Scholars & Industry to disseminate and exchange information at 100+ Allied Academies Conferences

Current Trends and Researches in Nanomaterials

Welcome Message

With outright eagerness and the will to impact, we stretch out a warm greeting to attend the "8th International conference on Nanomaterials" which will be held in Rome, Italy on December 14-16, 2023.

This year we bring you the enthralling topic of Nanomaterials.

Nanomaterials Conference 2023 is all set to bring the eminent mastermind from the world of Nanomaterials community for offering the unsurpassed possibilities to current and discover the future of Nanomaterials.

Witness the gathering of the world-leading and famed academicians, commercial enterprise delegates, foremost investigators, researchers, students to witness the futuristic ideologies put forth by way of the experts.

This integrative 3-day event deliberates the new strategies, convictions that will have an impact on the method of your expert development. Join us with your research and enterprise methods which will direct the confident strategy to the developments of the future of Nanomaterials.

Connect with us to Socialize, Interact, Network, and Collaborate at the Nanomaterials Conference 2023

We are looking forward to your presence.

Speakers can choose from one of the following modes of participation:

Keynote presentation:

The most renowned speaker will be chosen as the keynote speaker and will present a talk for a one-hour speech at the virtual meeting.

Speaker presentation:

A series of individual talks make up an oral session. Each oral presentation will be given 30 minutes, followed by a 5-minute questionnaire.

Poster presentation:

A poster presentation allows you to communicate with people who are interested in your research face to face.

Workshop presentation:

Workshop lectures, which can last up to more than 60 minutes are engaging talks about skills. Workshops must be interactive and provide participants with useful information that they can take back to their communities.

Video presentation:

We give Video presentations if you are unable to attend the conference but still, want your paper to be presented and written. After your presentation, you will receive a certificate of recognition and therefore the digital book of abstracts.


Organizing Committee

Nanomaterials Conference 2023

Past Conference Report


We would like to thank all of our wonderful keynotes, speakers, conference attendees, students, associations, media partners and guests for making Nanomaterials 2022 a successful and splendid event.

Allied Academies hosted the joint event of “7th International Conference on Nanomaterials and 22nd International Conference on Advanced Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ” during May 16-17, 2022 at PanoramaHotel Prague, Milevská 7, 140 63 Praha 4, Czechia, Prague, Czech Republic with the theme “A Spectrum of Opportunities towards the Nanomaterials”. Benevolent response and active participation was received from the Editorial Board Members of supporting International Journals as well as from the leading academic scientists, researchers, research scholars, students and leaders from the fields of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology who made this event successful.

We also thank the moderators for both Day 1 and Day 2, Who moderated the conference to the end in a successful way.

  • Johan Alauzun | Charles Gerhardt Institute Montpellier | France
  • Kangze Liu | Technological University Dublin | Ireland

The conference was marked by the attendance of young and brilliant researchers, business delegates and talented student communities representing more than 18 countries, who have driven this event into the path of success. The conference highlighted various sessions on current retroviral research.

Nanomaterials 2022 witnessed an amalgamation of peerless speakers who enlightened the crowd with their knowledge and confabulated on various new-fangled topics related to the fields of Nanomaterials, Nanoscience, and Nanotechnology.

The meeting was carried out through various sessions, in which the discussions were held on the following major scientific tracks:

The conference proceedings were carried out through various Scientific-sessions and plenary lectures. The conference was embarked with an opening ceremony followed by a series of lectures delivered by both Honourable Guests and members of the Keynote forum. The adepts who promulgated the theme with their exquisite talk was;

  • Huijun Zhao | Griffith University | Australia
  • Miriam Colombo | University of Milano-Bicocca | Italy
  • Johan Alauzun | Charles Gerhardt Institute Montpellier | France
  • Carlos Pagliosa | RHI Magnesita | Brazil
  • Houzheng Wu | Loughborough University | UK
  • Yaw-Kuen Li | National Chiao Tung University | Taiwan

The event enlightened various areas of Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology with Workshops and plenary lectures from the speakers of various universities and organizations like

  • Kaitlyn Parsons | University of Illinois | USA
  • Ivo Dlouhy | Brno University of Technology | Czech Republic
  • Francesco Picchioni | the University of Groningen | The Netherlands
  • Hagay Shpaisman | Bar-Ilan University | Israel
  • David Strawser | Technical Developments | Israel
  • Fabio Vengoechea | Laboratorio Avimex SA de CV | Mexico
  • Bianca Rita Pistillo | Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology| Luxembourg
  • Yongmei Zheng | Beihang University | China
  • Houzheng Wu | Loughborough University | UK
  • Maurizio Destefanis | University of Turin | Italy
  • Yuliang Li | Chinese Academy of Sciences | China
  • Pavel Osmera | Brno University of Technology | Czech Republic

We are also obliged to various delegate experts, company representatives and other eminent personalities who supported the conference by facilitating active discussion forums. We sincerely thank the Organizing Committee Members for their gracious presence, support, and assistance towards the success of Nanomaterials 2022.

With the grand success of Nanomaterials 2022, Allied Academies is proud to announce the "8th International Conference on Nanomaterials” to be held during December 14-16, 2023 in Rome, Italy.

Scientific Sessions

Submit your abstracts online

Submit your abstracts via email at: [email protected]

After the peer review process, you will be notified within 2-3 business days by e-mail about the acceptance/rejection of your abstract submission.

Submit your abstracts on…

  1. Nanoparticles
  2. Nanophysics
  3. Nanorobotics
  4. Functional Nanomaterials
  5. Nanoscience and Technology
  6. Nanoelectronics
  7. Material Science
  8. Nanomaterials
  9. Nanochemistry
  10. Nanomedicine
  11. Biomaterials
  12. Characterization and Synthesis of Nanomaterials
  13. Carbon Nanomaterials: devices and technologies
  14. Graphene nanostructures and 2D materials
  15. Nuclear Materials and Radiation
  16. Nanocoatings
  17. Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials
  18. Applications of Nanomaterials
  19. Nanomaterials Safety and regulations
  20. Scope of Nanomaterials
  21. Nano Satellites
  22. Nanomaterials manufacturing technologies
  23. Composite Materials
  24. Nanomaterials in Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment
  25. Future of nanomaterials

Session on: Nanoparticles

Nanoparticles are particles somewhere in the range of 1 and 100 nanometers (nm) in size with an encompassing interfacial layer. The interfacial layer is a necessary piece of nanoscale matter, on a very basic level influencing the entirety of its properties. The interfacial layer regularly comprises particles, inorganic and natural atoms. Natural particles covering inorganic nanoparticles are known as stabilizers, covering and surface ligands, or passivating specialists. They are as of now being utilized in the assembling of scratchproof eyeglasses, break safe paints and soon Nanoparticles show different novel properties concerning mass material.

  • Medicine
  • Construction
  • Cosmetics
  • Electronics
  • Home appliance

Session on: Nanophysics

The nanophysics is somewhere between the size scales of quantum mechanics and plainly visible physical science represented by the laws of Newton and Einstein. The right meaning of nanophysics is the material science of constructions and relics with measurements in the nanometer range or of marvels happening in nanoseconds. The Master's program in Nanomaterials and Nanophysics centres around planning, creating and controlling materials and segments with measurements on the Nanoscale, for example from 1to 100 nm.

  • Semiconductor physics
  • Nanoelectronics
  • Optoelectronics
  • Nano-optics
  • Surface physics

Session on: Nanorobotics

A robot that permits precision joint efforts with Nanoscale issue, or control with Nanoscale assurance. Such kinds of devices are more related to microscopy or checking test microscopy, as opposed to the depiction of Nano-robots as a nuclear machine. Nanorobotics, including explicit plan issues like detecting, power correspondence, route, control, movement, and onboard calculation, has been introduced in the clinical setting of Nano medication by Robert Freitas.

  • Biomedical Applications of Nanorobots
  • Nanorobotics in Gene Therapy
  • Nanorobots in Cancer Detection and Treatment

Session on: Functional Nanomaterials

Functional nanomaterials are the reason for late-rising nanotechnologies for various contraption applications. Nanomaterials with various kinds of morphologies and manifestations have been generally investigated, and show various kinds of value in ranges, for instance, electronic construction, optical effects, turn components, and gas distinguishing. Because of the state of the artistic depiction and new creation strategies, nanomaterials are by and by key to different orders, including materials science, science, material science, building and medication. This excellent volume presents a separated diagram of late examination headways on valuable nanomaterials, including mix, depiction, and applications.

  • Nano Tubes
  • Nano Composites
  • Polymeric Nanomaterials
  • Organic and Inorganic Nanomaterials

Session on: Nanoscience and Technology

Nanoscience is the study of particles, atoms, and objects whose size is on the nanometer scale. Particles are a couple of tenths of a nanometer in diameter and atoms are commonly a couple of nanometers in size. Nano Science is an innovation aimed at the Nanoscale. It is the utilization and study identified with little things that can be utilized in the wide range of various fields of science like biology, physics, chemistry, engineering and Materials sciences.

  • Bionanoscience
  • Carbon nanotube
  • Nanoparticle
  • Nano Applications
  • Nanoscale networks

Session on: Nanoelectronics

Nano hardware holds not many responses for how we may expand the capacities of gadgets when we diminish their weight and force utilization. Nano gadgets and innovation are generally utilized in all parts of current life. Life Safety, Healthcare, Transportation, Computing, Energy and Telecommunications are a portion of the significant fields profiting with the development of Nanoelectronic applications.

  • Photonic & plasmonic nanomaterials
  • Nanomaterial electronics
  • Molecular Electronics
  • Quantum Nano-optics
  • Nano transistors and nanowires

Session on: Material Science

Materials science and Engineering is an order which manages the revelation and plan of new substances. The exploration in material mechanical ability remembers for Transmission electron microscopy in state of the art substances innovative expertise, headways of materials mechanical skill, Mining and metallurgy, power substances there are 50 colleges and a commercial centre to development of 5.1% over the span of 2014-2019. The strength materials commercial centre changed into anticipated to be $7,292.eight million out of 2014 and is projected to blast of 7.8% from 2014 to 2019. Digging and metallurgy for a piece of the pie of 68.3% in 2014 and is anticipated to development of 8.3% through 2019. 18 new examination errands can be carried out through quit of 2016.

  • Natural Materials
  • Mining and Metallurgy
  • Synthesis and processing
  • Advanced Functional materials
  • Advanced Engineering materials
  • Advanced optic materials

Session on: Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials depict, on a basic level, materials of which a single unit is measured (in any event one measurement)somewhere in the range of 1 and 1000 nanometres (10?9 meters) however is normally 1—100 nm (the typical meaning of nanoscale). Nanomaterials are gradually getting popularized and starting to arise as a product.

  • Novel Magnetic-Carbon Biocomposites
  • Gold Nanoparticles and Biosensors
  • Industrially Relevant Nanoparticles
  • Thin Film and Nanostructured Multiferroic Materials

Session on: Nanochemistry

Nanochemistry is another discipline concerned about the extraordinary properties related to gatherings of particles or atoms on a scale between that of the individual structure blocks and the mass material. Nanochemistry is the utilization of engineered science to make nanoscale building squares of wanted shape, size, synthesis and surface design, accuse and usefulness of a discretionary objective to control self-gathering of these structure blocks at different scale lengths.

  • Photolithography
  • Electron-beam lithography
  • X-ray lithography
  • Extremeultraviolet lithography
  • Light coupling nanolithography
  • Scanning probe microscope
  • Nanoimprint lithography
  • Dip-Pen nanolithography
  • Soft lithography

Session on: Nanomedicine

Nanomedicine alludes to the utilization of nanotechnology in parts. The term covers a different arrangement of devices and materials, with the normal trademark that they are little to such an extent that nuclear collaborations and quantum mechanical properties should be concentrated widely.

This incorporates growing the thickness of memory chips, improving the nature of screens. The term covers various plan of contraptions and materials, with the fundamental brand name that they are little to the point that atomic associations and quantum mechanical properties ought to be analyzed extensively. This field plans to empower the supported insight of Moore's law by utilizing creative strategies and materials for the development of electronic gadgets included with nanoscale size.

  • Nanobots in drug delivery
  • Nano Particles to deliver vaccines
  • Nanotechnology in cell repair
  • Nanotechnology in diagnosis techniques
  • Nanotechnology in tissue engineering

Session on: Biomaterials

The science and development of nanomaterials has made wonderful energy and desires in the most recent years. Nanotechnology has gained unbelievable headway forward amazingly working out as expected of new materials, new surfaces and new designs which besides and application in the biomedical field. Fundamental for the choice of the biomaterial is its adequacy by the human body. The next decade is at risk to observe critically strikes in the plan, characterisation and maltreatment of Nanoparticles, Nanowires, Nanotubes, Nanorods, Nanocrystals, Nanounits and their assemblages.

  • Biomaterials for bone repair and regeneration
  • Biomaterials for Tissue Engineering
  • Types of Nanostructured Biomaterials
  • Processing of Nanostructured Biomaterials

Session on: Characterization and Synthesis of Nanomaterials

The target of any designed method for the planning of nanoparticles is to manufacture nanomaterials that have a novel property for applications that are an aftereffect of their trademark length scale being in the nanometer run (1 – 100 nm).

The association of nanoparticles in a slim film structure is frequently important to deliver this utilitarian and operational. Moreover, the made technique should show control of size in this reach with the objective that either property can be achieved. There are two general systems for the combination of nanomaterials and the manufacture of nanostructures: "Base Up" and "Top Down".

  • Micro-emulsion method
  • Photolithography
  • Electron-beam lithography
  • Nanosphere lithography
  • Physical vapour deposition
  • Chemical vapour deposition

Session on: Carbon Nanomaterials: devices and technologies

Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are allotropes of carbon with a cylinder formed nanostructure. These empty and barrel-shaped carbon nanotubes have bizarre properties, which are significant for gadgets, optics, nanotechnology and various fields of materials science and innovation. Nanocarbon materials, for instance, Graphene, carbon nanotubes (CNTs) and fullerenes secure phenomenal properties. Carbon nanomaterials propose their utility as high versatility electronic materials. Plus, the ability to tune the band opening of semiconducting CNTs through control of distance across allows outstanding opportunities to re-trying optical and optoelectronic properties. The properties of nanocarbon are remarkably dependent upon their union.

  • Carbon nanotubes (CNTs)
  • Synthesis of carbon nanotubes
  • Types of carbon nanotubes and related structures
  • Characteristics of carbon-based nanomaterials
  • Functionalization and applications of carbon nanotubes

Session on: Graphene nanostructures and 2D materials

Graphene is an atomic-scale honeycomb cross-segment made of carbon particles. Graphene can be characterized as a solitary, slight layer of graphite and known as a "very material".Graphene has placed scientists everywhere in the world into work to comprehend it in a superior manner. Graphene is doubtlessly ascending as a champion among the most promising nanomaterials by its exceptional mix of splendid properties, which opens a course for its misuse in a wide scope of employments stretching out from electrical to optics, sensors, and biodevices

  • Graphene-based nanomaterials
  • Graphene: Synthesis, Properties &Phenomena
  • Chemistry and biology studies of graphene
  • Applications of graphene in energy
  • Applications of graphene in medicine

Session on: Nuclear Materials and Radiation

Atomic materials most regularly allude to fissile materials that are equipped for supporting a chain response in an interaction that discharges energy called atomic splitting. The materials incorporate isotopes of uranium, thorium, and plutonium. These materials are particular from radiological materials like cobalt and caesium, which are utilized for an assortment of regular citizen purposes, including operations. The atomic materials most generally utilized for thermal power and atomic weapons are uranium and plutonium in different structures.

  • Thermodynamics and Thermal Properties
  • Structural and Functional Materials for Fission and Fusion Reactors
  • Modelling and Simulation of Nuclear Fuels
  • The behaviour of Materials during SevereAccidents and Accident Tolerant Fuels
  • Characterization of Irradiated Materials and nuclear Fuels Materials for the Nuclear Fuel Cycle
  • Nuclear Chain Reactions
  • Radiology

Session on: Nanocoatings

The term nanocoating insinuates nanoscale(for example with a thickness of two or three tens a few nanometers) slim movies that are associated with surfaces all together make or upgrade a material's functionalities, for instance, disintegration confirmation, water and ice protection, contact reducing, antifouling and antibacterial properties, self-cleaning, warmth and radiation resistance, and warm organization. Nanocoatings are Nano estimated particles that contained a sort of mineral or compound that is typically painted onto a surface, generally being a machine or something like that, to help the device in a wide assortment of limits. Nanocoatings offer significant benefits for applications in the assurance, restorative, aeronautics, oil and marine organizations, which have driven producers to merge multi-helpful coatings in their things.

  • Anti-corrosion coatings
  • Anti-abrasion coatings
  • Antibacterial coatings
  • Waterproof and non-stick coatings
  • Anti-reflection coating
  • Thermal barrier coatings

Session on: Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Materials

For any electronic device to function admirably, the electrical flow should be capably constrained by trading contraptions, which twists up discernibly troublesome as a systems approach little estimations. This issue should be tended to by joining materials that permit strong turn-on and execute of current at any size scale. New electronic and photonic nanomaterials ensure accomplishments in trades, enrolling devices and solid-state lighting. Stream investigation including mass pearl advancement, regular semiconductors, slim film and nanostructure improvement, and sensitive lithography. A couple of the major photonics associations in the world sees different headways and appraisals about future troubles for creators and integrators of lasers and photonics things.

The silicon photonics market is predicted to create $497.53 million by 2020, developing at a CAGR of 27.74% from 2014 to2020. The silicon carbide semiconductor market is surveyed to create $3182.89Million by 2020, at a typical CAGR of 42.03% from 2014 to 2020.

  • Semiconductor materials
  • Optical devices
  • Magnetic Storage

Session on: Applications of Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials have an absolutely wide assortment of projects inside the order of various innovations. The different fields of designing and related to the medications and science have an absolutely enormous effect of nanotechnology inside the improvement. The utilizations of the nanomaterial in various fields comprise hardware, inexhaustible and manageable power, sensors and actuators pc applications report organizations and Nano magnetics related to photocatalysis and a lot of more noteworthy, as next period PC Chips, Kinetic force (KE) Penetrators with more favourable Lethality, better Insulation materials, Phosphors for inordinate Definition Tv, Low-cost Flat-Panel shows, more troublesome and more trouble some cutting apparatuses, disposal of contamination, unreasonable strength DensityBatteries, unnecessary force Magnets, high-Sensitivity Sensors and engines with more prominent gas proficiency.

  • Medical and health care applications
  • Nanotechnology in drug delivery and cancer treatment
  • Nanotechnology in blood purification and tissue engineering
  • Agricultural Applications
  • Industrial Applications
  • Energy applications

Session on: Nanomaterials Safety and regulations

The advancement of Nanomaterials has made the entire global arrangement with the advantages of the quick creating order of Nanomaterials and nanotechnology. it is imagined that more than 1500 fabricated distinguished nanotech items are public to be had, with the spic and span one shitting the commercial centre each week. The extensive scope of capacity items and projects offers nanotechnology its gigantic blast possibilities. Nanotechnology allies accept that it can change our lives certainly, while adversaries of nanotechnology expect that self-duplicating "nanobots" could escape from research workplaces and diminish all life on earth. The worldwide nanotechnology industry will increment to arrive at the Americas 75.Eight billion with the valuable asset of 2020 making every area of period and age tune in making the nanotechnology and nanomaterials play an imperative trademark in their future turn of events.

  • Health impact of Nanomaterial
  • Regulation of Nanomaterial and Nanotechnology
  • Nanomaterial and its future
  • Nanotechnology in society

Session on: Scope of Nanomaterials

Nanomaterials are materials of normal size highlights in the lower nanometre size reach and trademark mesoscopic properties; for instance, quantum size impacts. These properties make them appealing objects of major examination and expected new applications. Fabricated nanoparticles are purposely conveyed and organized with explicit properties identified with shape, gauge, surface properties and science. These properties are reflected in mist concentrates, colloids, or powders. Regularly, the course of nanomaterials may rely more upon surface area than the molecule plan itself. The extent of Nanomaterials covers the readiness, portrayal and utilization of all nanomaterials.

  1. Engineered nanomaterials & Biologicalinteractions
  2. Polymer Nanotechnology
  3. Inorganic/Organic Nanomaterials
  4. Nanostructured Coatings, Surfaces andMembranes
  5. Emerging Multifunctional Nanomaterials for Solar Energy Extraction
  6. Toxicity of Nanoparticles

Session on: Nano Satellites

The Nanophoton compares to the utilization of light in organizations at the nanometre scale. This field is identified with certain advances in light utilisation in new advances, including silicon-based semiconductors, where nanophotonic improves speed and execution. Nano-photonics or Nano-optics is the investigation of the conduct of light in the nanometric scale and the association of nanoscale objects with light. What's more, the possibility of nanophotonic adds to a more extensive order of nanotechnology that is modifying how inventive work offices (R and D) from various fields manage a piece of the more unassuming organizations. It is a part of optics, optical building, electrical designing, and nanotechnology. It frequently includes metallic segments, which can transport and concentrate light through surface Plasmon Polaritons.

  • Nano Satellite development
  • Elevation of nanosatellite
  • Implementation and applications of nanosatellite
  • Nanosatellite launch vehicle

Session on: Nanomaterials manufacturing technologies

Assembling at the nanoscale is known as nanomanufacturing. Nano producing includes increased, dependable, and financially savvy assembling of Nanoscale materials, designs, gadgets, and frameworks. It additionally incorporates examination, advancement, and reconciliation of hierarchical cycles and progressively complex base up or self-assembly processes.

  • Engineered nanomaterials
  • Incidental
  • One-dimensional nanostructures
  • Two-dimensional nanostructures
  • Bulk nanostructured materials
  • Bottom-up methods
  • Top-down methods

Session on: Composite Materials

A composite material is made by solidifying in any event two materials – often ones that have different properties. The two materials participate to give the composite amazing properties. Regardless, inside the composite, you can without a very remarkable stretch separate the different materials as they don't crumble or blend into one another. The incomprehensible great circumstance of composite materials is that their properties can be orchestrated early. Composite material properties are basically subject to the decision of grid and reestablishing stage, shape, heading, reducing stage and volume piece of stages.

  • Metal-matrix nanocomposites
  • Polymer-matrix nanocomposites
  • Magnetic nanocomposites

Session on: Nanomaterials in Food, Agriculture, Water and Environment

Nanotechnology is a potential area that changes essentially every ordinary issue and is predicted to change into an immense monetary power soon. Beginning late, nanomaterials have has gotten the remarkable idea for their properties at the nanoscale system and their applications in different zones fundamentally, horticulture and food areas. The Nanomaterials are scattered or strong particles, with a size degree of 1–100 nm. Beginning late, there has been stretched out evaluation work here to facilitate nanomaterials utilizing different systems. The utilization of brand name biomolecules utilizing the 'green' approach expects a key limit in the mix of nanomaterials having various shapes and sizes. Further, this 'green blends framework restricts the expense similarly as cutoff the requirement for unsafe produced substances and invigorates a blend of greener, safe and earthwonderful nanoparticles. The current audit rotates around investigates dependent on the biosynthesis of nanoparticles utilizing biomolecules, for example, plants, microorganisms, parasites, and so on The substance sums up the advancing work done worldwide by eminent specialists in the area of biosynthesis of nanomaterials. It in addition breaks down the ordinary employments of normally interceded nanomaterials in the areas of development and food and a principal assessment of difficulties inside this field.

  • Novel nanomaterials and devices
  • Nanomaterials for energy conversion
  • Green nanotechnology
  • Nanomaterials for building and construction

Session on: Future of nanomaterials

Nanotechnology is an arising science that is required to have fast and solid future turns of events. It is anticipated to contribute altogether to monetary development and occupation creation in the EU in the coming many years. As indicated by researchers, nanotechnology is anticipated to have four particular ages of progression.

In the future, nanotechnology could likewise empower objects to reap energy from their current circumstance. New nano-materials and ideas are as of now being fostered that show potential for delivering energy from development, light, varieties in temperature, glucose and different sources with high transformation productivity.

Nanomaterials are generally utilized in purchaser and modern applications. In medication, nanomaterials offer arrangements in diagnostics, prophylactics, and treatment of sicknesses. Nanotechnology has incredible potential for applications in the field of malignancy examination and diagnostics.

  • In Healthcare Sector: Drug Delivery
  • Agriculture: Crop Protection and LivestockProductivity
  • Water Treatment: Safe Purification
  • Diseases: Early Detection
  • Energy Storage: Solar Power
  • Nanoparticle-Filled Ink Conducts Electricity

Related Conferences:

Advanced Nanotechnology Conferences | Nanomaterials and Nanotechnology Webinars2021 | NanotechnologyConferences Online Events | Nanomaterials Webinar 2023| NanoscienceOnline Webinar | Scientific Webinar on Nanomaterials | BestNanotechnology Podcasts 2021 | Nanotechnology Webcast | Nano CongressOnline Events | Nanotechnology 2021 Live Events | NanoCongress 2020

Registration fee & Market Analysis

Registration details


Standard Fee

Speaker Registration


Delegate Registration




Registration Benefits

Only Registration Includes:

  • Access to All Sessions and Workshops
  • CPD accredited
  • Accepted Abstracts will be published in respective supporting journals,
  • Each abstract will be labeled with a DOI provided by Cross Ref.
  • Certificate of Presentation
  • B2B meetings

For Group Registration

Contact: Ms. Nancy Wheeler (Program Manager)

WhatsApp: +44 741 860 2028

Market analysis

The European Nanomaterials Market generated revenues of $ 5,536 million in 2015 and is expected to reach $ 14,078 million for 2023 with a CAGR of 20.0% during 2016-2023. Nanomaterials can be defined as materials with at least one external dimension in the size range of approximately 1 to 100 nanometers. The report focuses on current market trends and opportunities for future growth of nanomaterials, in industries such as paints and coatings, adhesives and sealants, health, energy, electronics, and consumer goods, personal care and others. It also emphasizes the various types of nanomaterials that are commercially available on the market, namely, carbon-based (carbon nanotubes, fullerenes and POSS, and graphene), metal and non-metal oxides (titanium dioxide, zinc oxide, dioxide silicon, aluminium oxide). , cerium oxide, antimony tin oxide, copper oxide, bismuth oxide, cobalt oxide, iron oxide, magnesium oxide, manganese oxide, and zirconium oxide), metals (silver, gold, nickel and quantum dots), dendrimers, Nano clay, and nitrocellulose. It also analyses the current trends of the nanomaterials market in different European countries and suggests opportunities for future growth by analyzing government regulations and policies, which can further increase consumer acceptance in that region.

According to the perspective of the leading companies, the factors that drive the demand for nanomaterials in various end-user industries are a growing investment in research and development, growth in the penetration of nanomaterials in various application industries and the excellent physicochemical properties of the nanomaterials. Nanomaterials are generally added in small amounts to improve the performance of the base material. However, factors such as strict environmental regulations and the high price of nanomaterials can hinder the growth of the market. Currently, the segments of paints and coatings, adhesives and sealants, electronic products and consumer goods and personal care are the main markets for end-users of nanomaterials.


Industrial Scope

Nanotechnology conveys a huge effect and fills in as a progressive and gainful innovation across different modern spaces, including correspondence, medicinetransportationagribusinessvitalitymaterials and assemblingshopper items, and family units. Developing use cases and application is relied upon to be one of the key components contributing towards the development of nanotechnology market size.

Additionally, various relationship around the globe is placing assets into the nanotechnology market and its rising applications. For instance, in 2018, Osaka University-drove masters, in a joint investigation adventure with The University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, and Waseda University manufactured fused quality logic chips called quality nanochips. Using consolidated segments on the nanochips, these autonomous nanochips can turn characteristics on and off inside a singular chip, preventing unintended crosstalk. Moreover, nanoscale sensors and contraptions may give commonsense incessant checking of the essential uprightness and execution of frameworks, tunnels, rails, halting structures and black-tops after some time. Likewise, nanoscale sensors, particular devices, and various headways enabled by nanoelectronics maintain a redesigned transportation structure that can talk with vehicle-based systems to help drivers with keeping up way position, dodge crashes, modify go courses to avoid blockage and improve drivers' interfaces to locally accessible equipment. All of these components are depended upon to be critical nanotechnology market floats universally.


The Global Universities


  • A.J. Drexel Nanotechnology Institute
  • Arizona State University - Biodesign Institute
  • Boise State University - Nanoscale Materials and Devices Group
  • Rice University
  • University of Pennsylvania
  • Duke University
  • Johns Hopkins University


  • University of Cambridge
  • Jagiellonian University
  • Peter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
  • University Bourgogne Franche-Comté
  • BAUMAN Moscow State Technical University
  • Linköping University
  • KTH Royal Institute of Technology

Asia Specific:

  • Nanyang Technological University
  • Tsinghua University
  • Peking University
  • University of Science and Technology of China
  • Georgia Institute of Technology
  • National University of Singapore

Middle east :

  • Khalifa University of Science, Technology and Research
  • The Khalifa Semiconductor Research Center
  • Ras Al Khaimah Center for Advanced Materials
  • Masdar Institute of Science and Technology
  • United Arab Emirates University


Nanomaterials will lead to a radically new approach to manufacturing materials and devices. Faster computers, advanced pharmaceuticals, controlled drug delivery, biocompatible materials, nerve and tissue repair, crackproof surface coatings, better skincare and protection, more efficient catalysts, better and smaller sensors, even more, efficient telecommunications, these are just some areas where nanomaterials will have a major impact.

Renowned Speakers

To Collaborate Scientific Professionals around the World

Conference Date January 14-15, 2022
Poster Oppurtunity Available
e-Poster Oppurtunity Available
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